Sunday, January 6, 2013


Went to jits yesterday and today.   Got in 6 rounds yesterday and 5 rounds today.  So I've gone to jits 3x, judo 0x and have done 18 rounds.

I went for a quick hike up the hill tonight.  Told dad and he asked me if I was visiting grandpa.   Need to remind kids about me wanting to be cremated and placed up there if anything was to happen.

Been feeling stagnant.  Not doing what I want to do and stuck.  Had a good conversation with someone last night about how to look at things differently. And it opened my eyes about what I've been doing.  Instead of trying to force what I want,  I need to work with what I have.   Eventually what I want will happen. I hope.  

I also realised that I've been pretty lazy in my workouts.   Time to step it up.

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