Monday, May 19, 2008

Just say no to crack

After, what seems to be, an impossibly long winter, it's been hot enough this long weekend to head to the beach. I took the kids to the beach on Friday afternoon where we played in the sand and the kids braved the water. They spent most of their time jumping into the water, screaming that it was cold and then jumping out. Considering we had snow only a few weeks ago, it's pretty much a given that the water is still cold! As usual, my youngest had issues with keeping his pants on. That poor kid - his bum issues will never allow him to keep up a pair of pants.

It's been a great long weekend so far. We went to a friends' place on Saturday night and drank and played poker into the wee hours of the morning. The kids stayed there and played with the other kids and crashed with the kids. Just a big giant sleepover for them! We had friends over last night for a bbq and relaxed in front of the new outdoor fire pit that hubby bought for me for Mother's Day. I forgot how nice it was to have friends over, relax and enjoy company. We really have to do it more often.

I ran 10 km Saturday morning in 70 minutes Saturday morning. Finally - I did it! I was quite step half marathon?

Our washer woes have began again with a new washer. We have bad appliance karma - doesn't matter what we buy, what kind of research we do, we always get a lemon. We bought a new front load washer and dryer in February. This morning the washer gave us an error code, which, according to my research, is a circuit board issue. I called Sears repair and we have a repair date for 4 days from now between the hours of 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. I don't think the lady on the other end appreciated the fact I killed myself laughing over that one.

Monday, May 5, 2008

If April Showers bring May flowers...

what do May flowers bring?

Pilgrims! Ha...I do love that joke. Still like it, even after all these years. I think I heard that one when I was in grade four.

May has finally arrived and brought spring with it. Thank god. If it threatened to snow another day I was going to freak. I even thought about cross country skiing this weekend as it's supposed to be amazing on the hill but it was 22 degrees on Sunday - why give that up for snow?

I started working part time as of last week and it's different. I got into the routine of working full time quite easily - the family goes crazy busy for the week and then we play all weekend. Now I have spare time back on my hands again and I have to's kind of boring. Either that or I was so addicted to the frenzy we were living that actually living something of a normal life feels too slow. I'm starting to look for things to do in the evening just to fill up my time again. Given I've been working part-time only for 3 days, I should probably give myself a break.

The family has been hit with the stomach flu and so far only one of the kids have been hit hard. I'm trying to dodge the puke bullet - I hate the stomach flu with a passion. I'll change crappy diapers in a heartbeat over cleaning puke up. I don't think that will win me the mother of the year award but I really don't care! :)

I went for another long run this weekend and attempted to increase my distance but thankfully ran out of time. I ran the same distance as the weekend before (5.8 miles!) and want to run 6.2 miles but will when I think I'm ready.

Oh, and the big news for me? I got my belly button pierced on Friday. :) Took me many years to get the courage but here it is!