Monday, November 29, 2010

Counting up

I went to boxing and bjj this weekend (so nice to be back!) and the guys were talking about counting the number of rolls they get in a year.  A brown belt was talking about a good year is 600 rolls.  Guess the theory behind it is the more rolls you get in, the faster you improve, and you have to make a minimum amount of rolls to keep your skills set maintained.  Makes sense.  So, I'm going to start counting.  Saturday I got in 5, Sunday I got in 4.  So will wait and see how things go.

Went skiing for the first time this season and it was so nice to get up there!  And freaking hard work.  I forgot how much work it is.  Although I refuse to go slow and steady so maybe there's a problem right there.  I wouldn't burn myself out after 15 minutes and die from lack of oxygen.  I can zoom past the classic skiers but they always catch up to me when I'm dying after a hill.  Need to get my cardio used to long distance than short bursts.

The diet was killed this weekend after a girls night out...but what the's birthday celebrations so why not??

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