Sunday, March 23, 2008

March 23, 2008

In the search for an easier way, I'm going to try blogger for my blog. Anything has to be easier than what I'm currently using!

It's been months - I know. I'm working full time now and it is keeping me busy. In a good way, of course! I'm still getting what I want done, but it's just different.

On Friday, I realized that with whatever goal I want to reach, I can eventually get there. I've always wanted to fun 40-50 minutes non-stop. No run/walk thing...just run. I've tried off and on for a few years but never seemed to get there. On Friday, I went for a run. And I made it. I ran 8 km, non stop. I always thought I couldn't do it, but I can. I just ended up getting there differently than what I expected. Rather than running all time, it took going cross country skiing and practicing judo to get to where I can run.

So, based on that, I've set another goal. I'm going to try to obtain my black belt by the time I'm 40. I have a few years to go, so maybe it's attainable. And if not...that's ok too....I know that eventually I can get there.


Kim said...

Congrats on meeting that goal! I'm proud of you. :)

Andrea said...

Thanks, Kim! It seems a bit of a far reach, but I'll know in a few years. :)